10 Best April Fools' Pranks for Kids to Try at Home This Year

April Fools' Day is right around the corner, so let the April fools' pranks begin! While April Fools isn't a major holiday, some quick fun can make the day special, especially for kids. If you need a refresher about the April holiday that takes place annually on April 1, it's a day for jokesters to play practical jokes on loved ones and strangers alike. After the prank is done, the prankster who set it up will say, "April fools!" If you're the one planning an April fools' joke, good luck. If you're not, well, be prepared to have the joke be on you. When it comes to April fools' pranks for kids — and adults, for that matter — remember to be gentle, thoughtful, and aware of your audience. And whether you play a joke on kids or adults, you should make sure to keep everyone's safety in mind. No one should get hurt over an April fools' joke! When it comes to children, the simplest pranks really can get a good laugh. Ideas like swapping out candy for vegetables, getting people to sit on Whoopie cushions, and leaving messages on toilet paper are easy and guaranteed to make the little ones giggle. Keep reading for all the best April Fools' Day pranks for families to try in 2023:

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1. Baby Carrot Tootsie Rolls

If your child's favorite candy is a Tootsie Roll, then unravel a few rolls the night before April 1st and replace the candy with baby carrots for a healthy surprise in their lunchbox.

2. Vegetable Lollipops

Another April Fools' prank idea is to create "vegetable lollipops" by sticking a small, colorful vegetable onto a lollipop stick. To do this prank, follow these steps:

  • Choose colorful vegetables such as cherry tomatoes, baby carrots, sugar snap peas, or small bell peppers.
  • Wash the vegetables and cut them into bite-size pieces, if necessary.
  • Insert a lollipop stick into each vegetable, pushing it in until it reaches the middle.
  • Arrange the "vegetable lollipops" on a plate or in a jar and offer them to your friends or family as a sweet treat.

When they take a bite, they will be surprised to find a vegetable inside instead of a sugary treat! This prank is a fun way to encourage people to eat more vegetables while also adding a little bit of humor to snack time.

3. Grape Chocolates

You probably already have some chocolate Easter eggs at home for the upcoming holiday. Repurpose a few of them by using the wrapping to cover green grapes (or olives if you want to be even wilder about it). The kids might think they're getting a sneak preview of their Easter basket, but they'll still have a sweet treat in the end.

4. Frozen Cereal

Freeze a bowl of your kid's favorite cereal with milk overnight. Then, deliver them breakfast on April Fools' Day, only to have them discover it's frozen when they go to take their first bite. Shortly after, give them the real deal so they don't get hangry.

5. Jell-O Juice

What's funnier than watching your sibling take a sip of Jell-O thinking that it's juice? To pull this April Fools' Day prank, refrigerate a cup of Jell-O with a straw in it. They won't know the difference until they take a drink — or try to, at least. Even better, it serves as a fun snack after the prank is revealed.

6. Shaving Cream Prank

This classic prank is great for the teens in your household. After your sibling dozes off, sneak into their room and put shaving cream on their hand. Next, tickle their forehead with a feather and laugh as they try to itch their face with a handful of shaving cream.

7. Mayo Ice Cream

Just when your sibling thinks they are going to bite into a deliciously sweet dessert, they'll get a mouthful of mayo instead, and you'll get a good laugh. Offer to get the ice cream post-dinner, and scoop a few tablespoons of mayo into the ice cream bowl when they aren't looking.

8. Whoopie Cushion Chair

Right before dinner, sneak into the kitchen and place a Whoopie Cushion on your sibling's or parent's chair for an iconic April Fools' prank that never ceases to be funny. Fart noises never fail!

9. Cream Cheese Toothpaste

Instead of brushing their teeth with minty fresh paste, your sister or brother will be surprised to have a mouthful of cream cheese. Sneak into the bathroom the night before and fill the tube with cream cheese. Just make sure to have a backup paste, so they can go to school with a clean mouth.

10. Broken Remote Control

Ahead of the airtime of your sibling's favorite TV show, remove the batteries from the remote control, then watch them scramble to change the channel in time.

Final Thought

April Fools' Day is a fun opportunity to play harmless pranks on friends and family. Just remember to keep it light-hearted and make sure that nobody gets hurt or upset by your prank. With a little creativity and some good humor, you can make this day memorable and enjoyable for everyone involved. Have fun, be safe, and enjoy the laughter!